QMIC, Loop Mobility sign pact to collaborate for innovative solutions

QMIC, Loop Mobility sign pact to collaborate for innovative solutions

Feb 10, 2021 

Qatar Mobility Innovations Centre (Qmic) and Loop Mobility signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Wednesday to explore various areas of collaboration between the two entities regarding different aspects under intelligent mobility. These two Qatari entities will be working together towards providing valuable services to serve the needs of the local market.Loop Mobility is an aspiring Qatari start-up which aims to bring the mobility revolution to Qatar by supporting national efforts. Loop Mobility is offering scooter-sharing service for the residents in Doha to provide an alternative and more eco-friendly way of moving around destinations in Qatar.
This agreement includes, among several other items, a framework for collaboration between Loop and Qmic by utilising, for example, the Super Wain platform which was recently launched by Qmic. This will make it easier for Loop Mobility to offer its services to users seamlessly while also capitalising on Wain’s core components and wide user reach.
Wain’s significantly enhanced version, released to the public in late January 2021, enables approved 3rd party services to be included under “Micro-apps” as a way of providing value-added features to its users. Loop Mobility will be the latest addition to this section as a micro app. Details such as closest Loop stations, availability, and additional details will be shown within Wain to make it easier for users to browse through the information.As a national institution focusing on using R&D to create local tech-based industry in Qatar, this collaboration comes in line with Qmic’s strategy to support local innovations and entrepreneurs through strategic market-oriented partnerships. By offering its locally built technologies, solutions, and enablers, Qmic is committed to support promising Qatari start-ups and new business owners.
Omar Mohamed al-Jaber, Qmic’s director, Strategic Partnerships & Outreach, said, “We are excited to be partnering with Loop Mobility to assist in providing their innovative micro-mobility solutions in Qatar and looking forward to offering our services as a technology provider. This partnership supports our commitment to enabling smart living and contribute to the growth and development of Qatar startup ecosystems”
Loop’s chief executive officer, Mohamed al-Mohannadi, noted, “We want to bring the mobility revolution to Qatar’s market and witness our green method of transport moving people all across the city. Loop will be collaborating with Qmic to build strong and reliable technology solutions enabled by the extensive expertise of Qmic in the field of intelligent mobility. Both of our entities are using local technologies to deliver value to Qatar and its people. We hope our e-mobility solution will attract people to use this service to help cut down emissions and protect our environment.”There will be a joint effort between the two entities to bring the outcome of this partnership to the local market. Over the next few months, such topics will be further explored to account for any potential value that can be created to serve the needs of Qatar’s residents and visitors alike.